Spey Fishing for Trout
If you’d like to take your fly fishing game to another level, book a trout Spey trip and add a litany of water-loaded casts to your bag. Our Trout Spey trips occur on the mainstream rivers via drift boat or raft and rather than fishing from the boat, we access the best runs, riffles, and pocket water, get out, and fish with our feet on the terra firma. We swing wet flies and streamers and teach casting techniques like the Snap T, Snake Roll, Single Spey, Perry Poke, and Double Spey.This repertoire of Spey casts transfers to single-handed casting and will make you a more rounded fly angler. Trout Spey is more like a steelhead fishing than a traditional Montana trout float with the added advantage of avoiding other boats and anglers. As this presentation is different from what the fish see on a regular basis, we often catch our largest browns, rainbows, and cutthroat on the swung fly. We fish with 10’ two-handed 5 weights but anglers are welcome to bring their own trout spey rods.